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"Please purchase the service on the website first,
then make a reservation via phone or message." 808-397-1231
* 몸의 온도를 1도만 높혀도 건강하게 노화를 늦츨 수 있습니다.
Detox Face Lifting 60 mins $150

디톡스 페이스 리프팅
Detox Body Slimming 60 mins $150

디톡스 바디 슬리밍
Detox Body Care 60 mins $150
디톡스 바디 통증관리 - 목, 어깨, 오십견, 허리통증 등

*Appointment cancellation policy.
You may cancel your appointment with on to charge to 24 hours preceding your appointment.
Same day cancellation will be charge to 50% of the service price.
If you do not call to cancel your appointment or do not show up for your scheduled appointment.
You will be charged full price for the schedule service.
Any purchased service not available refund.
All prices may change without notice and not include tip and tax.
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